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Application process

We exclusively support registered charities and if you wish to apply for a donation please fill out the contact form below, setting out your specific needs as well as some background and a link to your website if you have one.


  1. Donations may only be made to registered charities, (not individuals or voluntary organisations), and full details must be provided.


  1. Applications are generally considered on an annual basis with only one award per charity cause during each calendar year.


  1. Timing and process is as follows:
  • Application by November 1st
  • Trustees’ appraisal and consultation by December 1st
  • Awards confirmation by January 1st


  1. The Wellside Trust (charity number 1139904) is a sub-fund under the Master Charitable Trust (‘MCT’) with C. Hoare & Co, a private bank, who process all donations.


  1. The Wellside Trust favours applications that focus on:

a) Facilitating a better understanding and cohesion in society and educational standards, primarily within the Greater London area.

b) Alleviating economic hardship and support for the very young and the very old.

c) Helping victims of trauma, abuse and loss.

d) Campaigns and initiatives against all kinds of racism and anti-Semitism.

e) Research, treatment, awareness and education for people suffering from M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).


  1. Applications need to describe:
  • the context of their request for funding.
  • how the funds will be applied, including a budget forecast.
  • impact measurements against specific goals and objectives, and
  • who will be responsible for implementing the programme.


  1. Proposed accreditation for The Wellside Trust on marketing material, social media, public relations and website information should be included in each submission.

Contact Form

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